Rent Payment FAQ: Your Questions Answered

We understand that there have been some concerns and questions regarding recent communication from us about rent payment methods. This FAQ page is here to provide you with accurate information and address any uncertainties you may have, ensuring a smooth and stress-free rent payment process.

If you have any lingering worries or questions, our Leadership Team, including the CEO and Director of Housing, would be happy to have a chat with you to address them. Please contact us on 0141 551 8131.

Absolutely not. We are not asking any tenant to pay extra rent.

The Milnbank Housing Association Tenancy Agreement clearly states the following:
Your rent is due every calendar month, payable in advance by you on or before the first day of each month”.

If you need to see a copy of your tenancy agreement, we are happy to provide this.

No. As mentioned earlier, Our rent payment policy requires rent to be submitted on or before the 1st of each month. If you believe this request is being made again and you have concerns or questions, we encourage you to contact your local Housing Services Officer at 0141 551 8131 for a discussion.

Following a review of the correspondence that was sent out to a small number of tenants, we now understand why there may have been confusion.  For clarification, rent in advance means that tenants are expected to pay their rent on or before the 1st of the month for the month ahead. This is also stated in the tenant’s handbook.

Paying rent on the 1st of the month for that month has always been part of your tenancy agreement and is in the Tenants Handbook. Tenants are encouraged to maintain contact to ensure their rent is up to date.

Checking tenants’ rent payments is something we do as part of our job, and recently, during this process, we noticed these irregularities.

No, absolutely not. We are here to help and support all our tenants. If you cannot afford to pay upfront, then we are more than happy to make an arrangement with you so you can pay the amount over a period of time.

If you are struggling with your finances, we can refer you to our Income Maximisation Team or Community Engagement Team, who will assist you in any way they can. Tenants are encouraged to contact us if they are struggling in their tenancy.

Yes, this has always applied to all tenants. Rent is charged in advance and benefits are paid in arrears. Because of this we advise tenants that receive benefits that paying a small amount each month will help move them into a rent in advance position, which will help if they get into any financial difficulty or your benefits are stopped.

Did you know that we have several supporting services to help support our tenants in their tenancies? 

We can help you with energy-efficient items and measures, such as thermal curtains, microwaves, slow cookers and energy vouchers, to help maximise the energy efficiency of your home and reduce your energy bills.

Find out more about our Income Maximisation Service or if you would like to talk to us about how we can help, please contact the office on 0141 551 8131.